The team

Nicola Bilotta
Project Coordinator
EU-Supervisory Digital Finance Academy
Research Associate
EUI - Florence School of Banking and Finance
Nicola Bilotta is the project coordinator of the EU-SDFA at the FBF. Previously, he worked as a Senior Fellow at the International Affairs Institute (IAI) – where he led the research on digitalization and global finance -, as a Senior Research Analyst at The Banker Research Team (Financial Times) and as a Visiting Fellow at the CSIS. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the LUMSA University and an Associate Fellow at IAI. He co-edited and contributed to the volumes: “The Rise of Tech Giants. A game changer in global finance and politics” (Peter Lang, 2019) and “The Near Future of CBDCs. Risks and Opportunities for the global economy and society” (Peter Lang, 2021).